Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Ezekiel Sking

I love this my son skies. YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
Zayne also skies and we will post her next rocking the night.

Remember to jump.


Following God when it does not make sense!

Have you ever felt God why me? What did I do to deserve this or that. My own little mind can sometimes get caught up in the present reality. What is your present reality.
When you look at the Bible narrative it is full of people following God when it did not make sense!
Walk on water....God is there (That does not make sense)PeterDreams from God....Know my brothers are trying to Kill MEE (That does not make sense!) JosephAll I have his the lunch mom made me. ......It is going to feed 5000(That does not sense) The kids with a lunch.My brother died Jesus where were you..Jesus replies no worries(That makes no sense.)
Keep following through the junk and the clouds of life His hand is there all you have to do is grab on for the ride. What type a ride is your life right Know?
Following God when it does not make sense? My humaness cries out against that statement and says I want life to make sense and fit into my little Jeremy Box. What I see in the narrative in the Bible is Seek and you shall find. Walk by Faith not by Sight.

Journeying with a limp,
Jeremy isom

“.....every time there are losses there are choices to be made. You choose to live your losses as passages to anger, blame, hatred, depression and resentment, or you choose to let these losses be passages to something new, something wider, and deeper” Henri Nouwen